Call for science activities
March for Science Vienna is seeking science enthusiasts to help bring science alive on April 22. We invite participants to celebrate science by bringing along a choice science exhibit, experiment, or idea to be presented during the Science Picnic which will take place at the start of the march at our meeting point (Sigmund-Freud-Park, next to Vienna University). We also encourage participants to feature these ideas while marching. New and old ideas that reveal the wonders of science and spark curiosity are encouraged.

Scientific outreach is essential in ensuring the influence of science in policy. Let’s support this notion by sharing ideas that we admire, ideas that energize us, or our own scientific work with our neighbors.
March for Science Vienna aspires to encourage people to advocate for science well after the march. Through personal science demonstrations, marchers are guaranteed to interact with fellow supporters of science promoting further inspiration, discussion, and/or action.
Here are a couple of recommendations:
1. Remember safety first: You will be surrounded by people at all times and space can get tight. You are solely responsible for monitoring your work and for the safety of the marchers around you in relation to your work at all times.
2. Remember that science can be shared in many ways: You can bring along a safe, walkable experiment or simply bring a sign encouraging marchers to ask you about your preferred topic. Best starting and practicing field is the Science Picnic at our meeting point at the Sigmund-Freud-Park from 1pm to 2pm. Simply spread out your picnic blanket and give it a go. We are curious about everything no matter how big or small!
3. Remember to appeal to a general audience: Whether you are a specialist in the field or a fan trying to bring more attention and love to a topic, be aware that your fellow marchers will not have the background knowledge of the field. It is particularly helpful if you can convey the way in which this topic impacts society.
4. Remember that this is a march: Your work will be on the move. Whatever you bring must be marched by you and/or your team and cannot block the flow of movement of those around you or of the march at large.
5. Remember the environment: Please do not bring anything that creates litter or waste to be left behind. And if you do so, take it with you.
6. Remember to have fun: The more creative/clever/original/funny you are during the march, the more you are helping to bring awareness to the cause!
Contact: Laura Silverstein at